
Monday, June 3
Welcome & Opening


Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger



On-line or on-site? Future Challenges of Higher Education [pdf]

Young Experts - Minute Madness



Coffee Break & Poster Session


Torsten Möller


Democratizing Data Science - the human in the loop [pdf]

Michael Schrefl


Reflections on teaching computing [pptx]

Jan Mendling


Using Process Mining to Study Business Phenomena [pdf]

Lunch Break


Georg Gottlob



My adventures with Datalog: Walking the thin line between theory and practice

Panel - Business meets AI


Georg Gottlob, Claudia Plant, Thomas Reutterer
Moderation: Andreas Holzinger

Coffee Break & Poster Session


Dietmar Jannach


Measuring the Business Value of Recommender Systems [pdf]

Stefanie Lindstaedt


Creating Data-driven Business Models

Allan Hanbury


Some Biases in Data Science [pdf]

Closing Session


Monday, June 3